Friday, July 07, 2006

I am not very sure about something,
Was it really because of you,
That I watched that movie and laughed through it.
And the song in that movie,
It seemed so appropriate at that time,
I also considered terming it our song.
I say all this because I watched it again the other day,
And it seemed like the most senseless piece of junk,
Well the song just seemed like incoherent words.
Now I wont dismiss the movie straight away,
So I have decided to give it another shot,
But again it would be with you.
Maybe I would see a completely new aspect,
And maybe we could hum along when the song plays again,
Only hum you know (we never were good at dancing).
I just hope this movie works again for me,
It's one of the few things that I still look forward to.
I know you dont watch too many movies twice,
But please just this once, for my sake.


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