Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The gorges and the untimely sultry heat,
The overdose of multi-ethnicity,
The streets filled with friendly people on one hand,
And the streets filled with only people on the other.
The lakes and the tiny uncrowded trains,
The miniscule walkable area in a city,
The beautiful women sunbathing and ugly men jogging,
The tall visible skyline and the grounded masterpieces,
The traffic that always stops for you,
The food that you dont understand well enough to order,
The familiar voices without a time constraint,
The other familiar voices which will now get rarer,
The warm welcoming hug,
And the absolutely gorgeous smile of joy,
So far.... so good (a little bad, but not that much).


Blogger sanjana said...

lets kick "a little bad" on his arse!

1:10 PM  

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