Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pre-Travel Tips

These are my findings as I am about to leave my sweet shelter and depart to Yankee Land. Some important pre-travel tips
1. Plan what you want to eat during the last week well in advance. It may take months before you actually get to eat some tasty sambhar in your lifetime. Not to mention I am still dreading the thought of bland burgers and pizzas for 10 months.
2. Look at your well washed undies 1 last time and just marvel at the beauty with which they dry in the comfort of you balcony and can hang out in the open in all their glory. You will be using the dryer very soon.
3. Make vigorous phone calls trying to arrange for plans to meet up with friends. In all likelihood, they really do not care about the fact that you are leaving. So better make the plans yourself. Pay them if need be.
4. Convince your parents that you do no need your 4th cousin's father's 3rd cousin's elder sister's daughter's number, coz there is a high probability that you will not call them unless someone held a gun to your head and told you to call them up. (At this moment it would be quite helpful to give the Adam and Eve example and say that in a way the entire world is related to each other)
5. This I feel is a quite important activity. Wash your ass after your potty activities really well. Feel the gentle pouring down of 2 molecules hydrogen and 1 molecule oxygen flow through your bum. Very soon it's going to be paper that you will be using to wipe the filth and feel scared if it has been cleaned well. Incase you do not take a bath on that particular day, you maybe washing your ass only the next day. So enjoy hygiene while you can.

I can only think of these at this moment. My mind is filled with mixed feelings right now, which may affect my level of thinkin. So this much is enough. Over to phase 2 now. packing

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bitter Farewell

I had decided that I would write my tribute to Zizou if France did manage to win. Well, this isn't exactly a tribute to arguably the best player in the last 20 years (from the little I have seen of Maradonna, I think Zizou has been quite comparable in talent). Today the footballing world witnessed probably the biggest anti-climaxes and the most disgraceful exits Zizou could have dreamt of. He could have not played the final and rested for the rest of his life that he helped his side reach the final, fighting against age, in fighting and all the crap that surrounds French football. Sure he scored the French goal in the game, but WHAT THE FUCK WENT THROUGH HIS HEAD TO FUCKIN HEAD BUTT THAT FART OF A DEFENDER MATTERAZZI (THE IDIOT'S NAME IS SO DIFFICULT TO SPELL). We probably will get to know in the days to come about the reason behind this inexplicable incident. But no fuckin reason would be good enough excuse to save your arse for just 10 fuckin minutes before you could guide your team to World Cup Glory again.
Farewell, Zizou....I sure will miss the magic. And just for the record, I still love you.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I am not very sure about something,
Was it really because of you,
That I watched that movie and laughed through it.
And the song in that movie,
It seemed so appropriate at that time,
I also considered terming it our song.
I say all this because I watched it again the other day,
And it seemed like the most senseless piece of junk,
Well the song just seemed like incoherent words.
Now I wont dismiss the movie straight away,
So I have decided to give it another shot,
But again it would be with you.
Maybe I would see a completely new aspect,
And maybe we could hum along when the song plays again,
Only hum you know (we never were good at dancing).
I just hope this movie works again for me,
It's one of the few things that I still look forward to.
I know you dont watch too many movies twice,
But please just this once, for my sake.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I always hope that you do believe me when I tell you that I miss you. Dropping food when eating is just not that fun anymore. There isnt anyone who gets as disgusted openly and there isnt anyone who tells me how stupid I actually am. I also realize now the pretense of being smart only didnt work with you (though you fell for it too in the begining). On the contrary many people still seem to think I am quite smart. I quite hate this fact. I just want to sing senseless songs with you and have some cheese chilli toast, some spicy pani puri. Is it too much to ask for.

Saturday, July 01, 2006