Ode To Sita
The origin of birth for the sceptics of mythology and for those who try to find scientific explanations in these stories(people like me) have always been baffled to the rational explanation of Sita's birth. She was supposedly found from inside mother earth and infact shes considered the daughter of mother earth. This was later taken as the pretext for her death where she was taken back by her mother. A plausible explanation could be that she was buried alive. But this seems unimaginable under the context that she was brought back to Ayodhya under Rams insistance.
Coming from an affluent kings house and proceeding to the forest was the biggest sacrifice that Sita made when she could have very well enjoyed the comforts of palatial Ayodhya or Mithila for that matter. But her greatest power comes from the fact that she was able to withstand the advances of Ravan in his own territory just by the power of her chastity and loyalty. Although there is no formal verification for this can be taken for granted as there would be no reason for war if Sita had infact submitted to Ravans wishes. Sita infact was probably the only reason why the reign of a demon king came to an end.
Even Rams true form, his human nature was brought out by Sita. Though it was not by her virtue but by suspicion of her character. I mean how else could God not know about the chastity of his own wife. This furtheres my belief that Ram was infact a human deity like many of the present day. The only way in which Sita gets her due nowadays is by her virtue of being Rams wife. Infact she rarely has an identity of her own. Its the most grievous offence in Indian history. Thank God for the fact that the couple is addressed as Sita-Ram and not the other way around. Its the only little payback we could have possibly done. Sita is the greatest lady in Indian Mythology cum history and probably will nver get what she deserves....not till we understand that it was she who made Ram and not the other way around.